Immagini Dettaglio trattamenti, Hotel Bertusi a Porretta Terme

3 Exclusive Benefits

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10% discount on future bookings (HB Fidelity Card)
A gift of wine and food
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* On all rates except for special offers and packages

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Best rate guaranteed
only by booking directly from our site

3 Exclusive Benefits

Only by booking in our website
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10% discount on future bookings (HB Fidelity Card)
A gift of wine and food
Best price guarantee

* On all rates except for special offers and packages
Trattamenti Estetici & Benessere all'Hotel Bertusi

Wellness treatments

To be beautifu you should never have to suffer. Wellness centre Hotel

In the beauty centre at the 3-star Hotel Bertusi  in Porretta Terme you will be looked after by highly professional staff with a long working experience,  confirmation of which is demonstrated by the brands of our reputable official partners, such as  Diego dalla Palma Professional - RVB SKINLAB.

We only use Diego dalla Palma products for our treatments.

Our range of  wellness and beauty treatments   will help you to find inner and outer serenity.

Centro beauty, per trattamenti prodotti Diego dalla Palma a Porretta Terme
Alla SPA dell'Hotel Bagno in vasca di acqua salsobromojodica alcalina

The Ancient Roman spa treatment

It is possible to add aromatic showers and massages to your course of treatment.

Vasche con percorso termale dell’antica Roma
Trattamenti per il viso all'Hotel Bertusi 3 stelle a Porretta Terme
Trattamenti di Pulizia, Peeling, Epilazione viso, Sopracciglia e Massaggio viso/collo/decolleté

Face treatments

(involving  the use of an “electro-stimulation” machine for electroporation and electropermeabilization)    

Trattamenti corpo all'Hotel Bertusi 3 stelle a Porretta Terme

Body treatments

(involving  the use of a pressotherapy machine)

Peeling ed Epilazione, Pressoterapia, Massaggio rilassante anticellulite sportivo e personalizzato
Trattamenti mani: Manicure estetico, Ricostruzione unghie, Gel e Smalto semi-permanente
Trattamenti piedi: Pedicure estetico, Ricostruzione unghie, Gel, Smalto semi-permanente

Treatments for hands and feet

Information Request | Hotel Bertusi

Information request of the Hotel Bertusi in Porretta

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